mardi 16 octobre 2012

Board Certified Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer

Houston Criminal Attorney John Floyd is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, has been rated as among the best and brightest attorneys practicing criminal law with his recognition as Houston’s Top Lawyers for the People (2008,2009), Top Lawyers: Criminal Defense (2008,2009,2010) and has earned a “Superb” rating, scoring 10/10, from AVVO.  He has appeared on national television and radio programs as an expert on criminal law related issues and has been quoted in newspapers and other news outlets throughout the country.
John T. Floyd is not a former prosecutor turned criminal defense attorney. He has never been a prosecutor. He began his legal career in 1994 as a criminal defense attorney and he has built a practice devoted exclusively to criminal defense work. The John T. Floyd Law Firm has worked hard to create, and maintain, a reputation for professional excellence through its successful criminal defense of individuals and businesses accused of committing serious crimes in all state jurisdictions throughout Texas and federal courts throughout the country.
As a criminal defense law firm, the John T. Floyd Law Firm understands the value of pre-trial investigation, pre-trial motions practice, and criminal defense trial preparation. He has qualified legal investigators and a senior paralegal staff under his direction and supervision to bring together the most comprehensive, detailed and competent research possible.  The John T. Floyd Law Firm offers client’s the individual attention and personal touch of a high end boutique criminal defense firm along with significant contacts throughout the state and country to assemble a serious criminal defense team that any government prosecutor would find formidable. 
The criminal defense attorneys in the John T. Floyd Law Firm take nothing for granted. Every possible detail is investigated, legally researched, and analyzed by Mr. Floyd and his staff before a specific criminal defense trial strategy is developed for the particular needs of the criminal case.
John T. Floyd believes that criminal defense attorneys are the cornerstone of the legal profession. Individuals and businesses accused of criminal wrongdoing have their very lives, businesses, and families at stake and deserve the best possible criminal defense. A false allegation, mistaken identification, botched or fabricated forensic analysis, or prosecutorial misconduct involving the use of perjured testimony or the suppression of favorable or mitigating evidence can very easily lead to innocent individuals and businesses being wrongfully convicted. Scores of DNA exonerations across the country exemplify this tragic reality. As a criminal defense attorney, John T. Floyd is a criminal defense lawyer committed to making sure that this tragedy is not inflicted upon his clients.
State and Federal prosecutors have unlimited prosecutorial resources at their disposal. This is particularly true in the federal courts in Houston, Texas.  Federal criminal defense attorneys in Houston, Texas must be prepared to devote their best skills, ingenuity, experience and cutting edge technology to achieve the same level of resources toward the defense of their clients. John T. Floyd is a Houston federal criminal attorney prepared to put forth whatever legal resources are necessary to bring about a favorable outcome for his clients. He is a Houston federal criminal lawyer who understands the awesome powers of the federal government when it targets individuals and businesses for prosecution and he is prepared to defend his clients against such force.
The John T. Floyd Law Firm proudly represents clients charged with serious criminal offenses before Texas and Federal courts in Houston, Galveston, Richmond, Angleton, Beaumont, Austin, San Antonio, Waco, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Tyler, Sherman, Del Rio, Corpus Christi, Brownsville, Mc Allen, El Paso. The law firm of John T. Floyd is located in the historic Kirby Mansion in Houston, Texas; however, Mr. Floyd often travels to Criminal Courts across the State of Texas and to Federal Criminal Courts around the United States.
If you are faced with an unexpected need for a criminal defense attorney, John T. Floyd stands ready to provide skilled, dedicated, and diligent representation to you.   Please feel free to contact Houston Criminal Defense Attorney John T. Floyd at 713-224-0101 or by e-mail at

Federal Crimes

Charged with Federal Crime? Contact a Top Ranked Federal Criminal Lawyer Immediately

A federal criminal attorney is only as good as the cases he receives across his desk. Federal criminal law expertise is important, certainly. But many good and capable attorneys can quote federal criminal law but don’t have experience defending their clients against it. Without experience within a federal court system at reducing or discharging federal charges an attorney presenting himself or herself as a “federal criminal defense lawyer” will find that they are unable to deliver the same results that they were able to product in local jurisdictions. Just like anything else, practice makes perfect. The only problem with this scenario is: do you want to be someone’s practice case?

Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer Talking About Charges and Indictments

And in order to become successful you have to put a lot of time in the courts working on a federal felony case, rather federal felony cases. Unlike many of our competitors we have the track record behind our epithet. Our federal criminal lawyers have been all over the United States and the globe to handle federal charges, such as computer crimes (hacking), cyber terrorism, identity theft, drug trafficking, and bribery. In fact, our firm is probably most famous for handling the UN “Oil for Food” bribery case. Having a federal crimes lawyer with experience such as ours gives you the luxury of being able to sleep at night because your federal criminal defense attorney has been there, done that, and got the CNN byline. FEDERAL CRIMES are those crimes which violate the Constitution or Federal statutes, such as:

  5. ARSON
  6. HOMICIDE (serial)

Federal Criminal Defense
In order to truly bill yourself as a federal criminal attorney you simply have to put time in the federal courts.

Those are but some of the more “serious” and well-known FEDERAL OFFENSES. Hate crimes, this includes name-calling where an individual felt threatened, are also designated as Federal offenses. Crimes committed while on an Indian reservation are Federal crimes. Even the theft of art from a museum is considered a Federal crime. In general, Federal crimes are those that affect or can have an effect on individuals or entities beyond the boundaries of the state itself—even philosophically as is the case with Civil Rights violations.

If you’ve been charged with a Federal crime you will need as many resources and subject matter experts as possible at your disposal. The Federal government has resources beyond what local or state officials can muster, and they will come after you to the full extent of the law.

But we can help.

Federal charges are no joke. The Feds have a long arm and deep wallets. When they come for you it’s with mountains of evidence and the very best in prosecutors. All federal crimes lawyers understand this. We know that the US Justice Department doesn’t make a move until they know whatever federal charges they have will stick. Every federal criminal attorney knows that he has to be just as prepared, just as precise as the Feds and twice as confident. Federal defense attorney’s must go in with as much swagger as the prosecutor on the other side of the aisle because in addition to evidence and court room expertise, your federal criminal defense attorney must also play a game of psychological chess. Knowing when to fight and when to cooperate is important. A federal criminal defense lawyer must be able to push the Feds to the point where they are uncertain of their own case before they will even begin to put forth a reasonable offer.

And that’s where the real work begins.

Federal Criminal Attorney
Our firm is one of the few NEW YORK DEFENSE ATTORNEYS who have a designated practice area for Federal crimes.

After your federal crimes lawyer has secured a reasonable first offer, he or she is then positioned to proceed with the real tough stuff. That’s where your federal criminal defense lawyer begins to earn his or her money. He or she must write motions, create a forensic approach, perform research, and then build your criminal defense. Federal defense attorneys must explore the evidence found in discovery, look for mitigating circumstances, ways to suppress evidence, throw out testimony, etc. A federal defense lawyer will have to engage witnesses, perhaps even coach them in preparation for taking the stand.

A good federal criminal defense lawyer must also know when to say “when” and to have the expertise and confidence that will enable you to trust in his better judgment. Here at the Bukh Law Firm, P.C. we believe we have all that.

Our record for producing highly skilled and experienced federal defense attorney’s is unmatched. Check our record through the public courts system and see for yourself. When you need the very best federal criminal attorney, call us.

Federal criminal attorney Arkady Bukh is serving clients in the following areas: Alabama – Alaska – Arizona (Phoenix) – Arkansas – District of Columbia Washington DC – California (Los Angeles LA, San Diego, San Francisco, Sacramento) – Colorado (Denver) – Connecticut – Delaware – Florida (Miami, Tampa) – Georgia (Atlanta) – Hawaii – Idaho – Illinois (Chicago) – Indiana – Iowa – Kansas – Kentucky – Louisiana – Maine – Maryland (Baltimore) – Massachusetts (Boston) – Michigan (Detroit) – Minnesota – Mississippi – Missouri – Montana – Nebraska – Nevada (Las Vegas) – New Hampshire – New Jersey – New Mexico – New York – North Carolina (Raleigh) – North Dakota – Ohio (Cincinnati) – Oklahoma – Oregon – Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pittsburgh) – Rhode Island – South Carolina – South Dakota – Tennessee (Louisville) – Texas (Dallas, Houston) – Utah – Vermont – Virginia – Washington – West Virginia – Wisconsin – Wyoming

Federal Criminal Lawyer

White Collar Defense Attorney

Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer Frank A. Rubino

In more than 30 years as a lawyer, Frank A. Rubino has tried hundreds of cases involving serious federal and international criminal offenses. From law offices in Florida and Houston, Texas, he has successfully handled cases throughout the United States and the world.

Experienced Federal Crime Lawyer

Mr. Rubino's has unparalleled experience with federal criminal defense for the highest profile clients. His well-known cases include representing former Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega before the United States Supreme Court and Lamen Khalifa Fhimah at the World Court at The Hague. He frequently appears on CNN and Fox News to comment on issues of international criminal law.
Because of his level of experience, Attorney Rubino limits his practice to the most serious and complex state, federal and international charges, including the following:
Mr. Rubino personally handles every aspect of his clients' legal issues. If clients come to him early enough, he is able to handle the grand jury proceedings. Clients who come to him after a verdict can obtain his assistance in federal criminal appeals. He also has an impressive record of successfully combating asset forfeiture.

Contact Us for Sophisticated Federal Crime Defense Representation

If you have been charged with, or are under investigation for, any federal crime or international charge, contact attorney Frank A. Rubino. From law offices in Houston, Texas and Bogota, Colombia, he accepts international law and U.S. Federal cases from across the United States and around the world.
Frank A. Rubino has appeared in courts throughout the United States, including New York, California, Texas, New Jersey, Georgia, Michigan, Florida and Washington D.C. He also assists clients in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and many Central and South American countries, including Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Honduras, Panama, El Salvador and Guatemala. His office staff is fluent in Spanish.

Using a Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

The Federal Criminal System

The federal criminal system is in many ways like the state system, but it has some very significant differences. One difference is that the typical United States Attorney's office, responsible for prosecuting federal criminal charges, has significantly more time and resources to direct to any given prosecution than would a state prosecutor.
Federal prosecutors also typically have better academic credentials than state prosecutors, and many have a great deal of latitude in selecting the cases they wish to prosecute through the federal courts. Save for crimes which occur on federal land, those cases which fall exclusively to the jurisdiction of a federal prosecutor tend to be of an interstate nature, and are more likely than a state prosecution to be legally and factually complex.
As a result, federal criminal defense tends to involve cases which are more difficult to defend, and the cost of defense is often very high. In each federal jurisdiction there is also a Federal Defender's office, which can provide legal representation to indigent defendants.

Federal Criminal Investigations

If you are contacted by the federal authorities in relation to a criminal investigation, the first thing you must attempt to determine is if you are being contacted as a potential witness or as a suspect. The second thing you must determine is what statements you can safely make to the authorities without potentially falling into a trap, such as being charged with lying to federal agents. Consider for example the case of Martha Stewart, who was acquitted of any direct criminal wrongdoing but spent time in prison for making false statements to federal investigators.
A federal criminal defense lawyer can help you assess the nature and purpose of the investigation, and why you are being approached. While you should expect your lawyer to instruct you to provide honest answers to any questions from the federal authorities, your lawyer may be able to guide you around any potential traps or pitfalls. When appropriate, a federal criminal defense lawyer can be present during any questioning, act as an intermediary between you and the investigating authorities, or advise you to exercise your Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. If appropriate, a federal criminal defense lawyer may be able to work out a deal where you will cooperate with the investigation, in return for more favorable treatment when the investigation is concluded. In appropriate cases your lawyer may also be able to secure a letter of declination, in which the U.S. attorney formally declines to prosecute you in relation to a particular offense or investigation.

Grand Jury Testimony

When a person receives a subpoena to testify before a grand jury, as with an investigation, it is not always apparent whether the person is being subpoenaed as a witness or as a potential target for indictment. As with an investigation, a federal criminal defense lawyer can help a grand jury witness determine the likely purpose of the subpoena, how to avoid potential traps and pitfalls when providing testimony, or when to "take the fifth". The lawyer may also be able to work out a deal for immunity, or for use immunity (meaning that the testimony provided before the grand jury cannot be used to advance a criminal prosecution against the witness), in relation to the testimony.

Federal Criminal Proceedings

It is helpful during federal criminal proceedings to be represented by a lawyer who is familiar with the federal rules of evidence, federal rules of criminal procedure, trial procedure, and the federal court system in general. The lawyer should also be familiar with federal sentencing procedures, and with the recent Supreme Court rulings which affect sentencing. It helps to have a defense lawyer who is familiar with the U.S. Attorney's office which is handling the case, and ideally some familiarity with the federal investigative agency which spearheaded the investigation.
There is no such thing as a highly qualified federal criminal defense lawyer who dabbles in federal court matters. Lawyers either know federal criminal defense, or they don't. If you are involved in the federal criminal system, make sure your lawyer, or at least one of the lawyers who will be serving on your defense team, has extensive experience with the defense of federal criminal charges. As previously noted, federal criminal defense tends to be very expensive. You will be paying for specialized experience - so make sure you get it.